Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Services
Humans & Animals

Optimal health is achieved by addressing and maximizing three main components: physical (structural), chemical (nutrition) and emotional (stress). Optimal health can be achieved by evaluating and addressing these three main components.

By looking at the body from a three-dimensional kinetic perspective, a systematic method is developed to significantly improve postural change, neuromuscular function, flexibility, strength, reduced joint & connective tissue stress and balanced internal physiology. Our team of experienced, dedicated and caring specialists are committed to getting every patient the fastest and most complete results possible.

MAR – Mar Animal Rehab 

MAR Chiropractic 

Chiropractic & Physical Rehab Therapy

Manual adjustment consisting of a short, quick (high amplitude, low velocity) gentle thrust to a specific joint, one at a time. This restores normal range of motion, alleviates pain & reduces local muscle spasms. Adjustments to animals, compared a human, is quite different as the cavitation (“popping” or audible) is often not heard and animals tend to need less adjustments to achieve desired results.

Physical Rehabilitation for Animals consists of therapeutic exercises, stretches, balance & proprioception, passive & active range of motion and soft tissue therapy. Dr. Mar will design a custom exercise rehab program with the intention for the patient to perform most of their physical rehab at home. The program is accessible via email, text and/or print out. Initial evaluations are ideally performed in person but zoom is available for those living outside of San Diego for exercise rehab programs once a vet referral is signed and received. 


Vetrostim Myofascial Release

Muscles and fascia that attached to the spinal vertebrae are stimulated by the Vetrostim instrument to help reduce misalignments, increase range of motion, improve strength & performance of both the spine and extremities.


The Activator adjusting instrument is a handheld spring-loaded tool that delivers a consistent low-force, high speed thrust that is both gentle and effective. This device provides an accurate and precise motion to specific areas of the animal’s spine and extremity joint.

Running Man Vector Graphic

Chiropractic Sports Medicine

for humans / athletes / weekend warriors

Chiropractic Manipulation Therapy

Chiropractic manipulation (adjustment) is the application of pressure to a person’s spine or other parts of their body to adjust and correct alignment. Chiropractic manipulation aims to reduce pain, improve nerve function and increase biomechanical range of motion. CMT can be delivered in a traditional diversified manual adjustment, drop table, arthrostim or activator technique. Mobilization of the joints can also be performed when grade 5 manipulation isn’t warranted as an effective adjustment technique.

Soft Tissue Therapy

Graston Technique, Myofascial Release and Active Release Technique are instrument-assisted & manual soft tissue therapy techniques to treat areas of the body exhibiting soft tissue fibrosis or adhesions. Areas of fibrosis or adhesions can be found in the muscles and connective tissues with almost any injury ranging from neck pain to ankle sprains. Whether it be instrument-assisted or manual, soft tissue therapy helps to promote proper remodeling and densification of muscles, fascia, ligaments and tendons.

Therapeutic Laser Therapy

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) or Photobiomodulation (PBMT) involves the use light energy to induce neovascularization; it creates a stimulating effect on target tissues and is used to decrease pain & inflammation, improves drainage, stimulate collagen metabolism, enhance cellular function by increasing the synthesis of ATP and promote bone bruise/fracture healing. After injury or surgery, patients receiving laser therapy have less pain, recovery is faster & quality of healing is significantly improved.

Therapeutic Ultrasound

Phonophoresis is a physiotherapy technique that combines ultrasound and topical anti-inflammatory agents. Ultrasound waves then help your skin absorb the agent(s) into the tissues beneath. Phonophoresis treats inflammation and pain in your muscles, ligaments, and joints. It’s similar to iontophoresis which delivers topical healing agents through your skin using electrical currents instead of ultrasound.

Electrical Muscle Stimulation

EMS is an adjunct physical therapy modality often used to reignite muscles’ ability to contract. Enhancing muscle contraction helps control pain, increase muscle activity & function, increase circulation and/or manage inflammation.

Exercise Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation exercise helps to increase full function of the body by restoring muscle strength, endurance, power, and improving flexibility.


Kinesio-taping and athletic taping help to support injured sprained joints as well as help induce muscle facilitation and/or relaxation depending on the taping technique ultilized

Comprehensive Examination

Physical, Orthopedic, Neurological and Chiropractic Examinations

Sports nutrition

The practice of nutrition and diet with regards to improving anyone’s athletic performance. Nutrition is an important part of many sports training regimens, both strength and endurance sports. Sports nutrition also focuses on the quantity of fluids and food taken by an athlete. In addition, it deals with the consumption of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, supplements and organic substances that include carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
Dr. Mar Adjusts Coach Chiropractic Services

Zoom Consultation Calls

Schedule 30 or 60 minutes one on one with Dr. Mar to discuss the following:
  • Sports Injury Management
  • Be coached through a series of physical & orthopedic exams to perform on yourself (humans)
  • Sport Nutrition and Supplementation (humans)
  • Diagnostic Consultation – 80-90% of (human) conditions can be diagnosed through history alone
  • Imaging and Blood Work write ups and report of finding (humans)
  • Initial consultation on behalf of your dog or cat to determine if chiropractic and/or physical rehab is warranted
  • Mentoring sessions for DCs and affiliated healthcare providers/students for sports, practice management & animal chiropractic/rehab